Summer Reverence: Wheel of the Year Tarot Pull

I pull 2 card from the Wheel of the Year deck, just to see what they had today and got 2 strikingly similar and stunningly beautiful cards.


The Princess of Chalices

Romantic maiden. Smelling the blossoms, engrossed in the splendour of nature in her most abundant state.

XIV Temperance

Reflection on the the perfect balance of nature. All can never stay in one state but must flow and be enjoyed with a sense of honour, without grasping.

With the soft pastel pinks, mauves and blue-green hues, both cards show the abundance of the milder weather depicted with flowing feminine energy in a state of perfect reverence of nature, savouring the sweet yet fleeting beauty of the seasons. I feel the message here is enjoy that beauty while it lasts, embrace the flow and breathe in deeply the smell of the flowers as they will soon be but a memory. Such is the bitter-sweet balance of life.